Saturday, January 14, 2012

Re-visioning of Indian Nationalism – A Historical Perspective

Arya Girls College , Ambala Cantt.



Re-visioning of Indian Nationalism – A Historical Perspective

Organized by - Department of HISTORY

Sponsored by- University Grants Commission, New Delhi

Date – 17th Feburauary, 2012, Time – 9.30 AM to 5.30 PM

Dear Sir/ Madam,

On behalf of the department of History of Arya Girls College, we cordially invite you to share your views and ideas in the form of research paper in one day interdisciplinary national seminar being held on above said date and time.

Since development stages of different human groups all over the world have been different so qualitatively the development of unity among different groups has been different. Keeping in view this fact, definition, explanations and problems of nationalism should be analyzed in the context of unity of individual groups, their structure patterns, qualities etc. The nationalism particularly in Indian context is all together is different because diversity is the basic fact of this nation / country. Nationalism in India is all things. But how do our petty, confused minds approach nationalism - that is important and not the definition or descriptions of what is nationalism is. On our approach to nationalism, all questions and answers depend. More over the addition of the suffix ‘ism’ to ‘national’ has altered profoundly the original meaning of the ‘nation’. The nation was originally conceived to be a community of people organized on the basis of common geographical area, history, language traditions and culture but the new ‘ism’ endowed it with new, excessive traits which changed the entire concept. Nationalism makes more of the nation than this political or cultural community. It is well said that the term ‘nationalism’ is the perversion of the original word ‘nation’. Nationalism has its own peculiar historical development. So nationalism like religion, is subjective, psychological, a condition of mind, a spiritual possession; a way of feeling, thinking and living. Nationalism is not a political but an educational conception. Nationalism is only accidentally a political question, but primarily it is a spiritual and educational question. So if nationalism is a state of mind, an act of consciousness or a supreme form of group consciousness or if nationalism denotes the resolve of a group of human beings to solve their fortune, and to exercise exclusive control over their own action or if development of nationalism lies in common history, common suffering, common triumphs, common achievements, common memories then finding out the basic ingredients, source of nationalism is justified particularly in the present time because India or Indian mind cannot be defined only in the terms of industry, technology and economy.

So we need to discuss and understand the following points from various angles:-

(a) Nationalism as an historical process

(b) Nationalism as a theory

(c) Nationalism as socio-political activity

(d) Nationalism as a sentiment or consciousness

We must understand and acknowledge that Indianness can not defined in western terms or on western parameters as nationalism in west was the outcome of –first religious suppression (not to be confused with Dharma) and second rapid development of industrialization and two world wars. Here in India nationalism has been understood from the agrarian perspective and languages, particularly Sanskrit is proof of this as Sanskrit developed nationalism in two forms – one at the mythical level and second at the symbolic level which further influenced all Indians. One may or may not agree with this and may argue that India was never a nation – neither historically nor politically but how come visit to North India became important to South India and vice versa and who initiated this move when we intellectuals were not there with our constitutional nationalism.

So there is an urgent need to re-integrate the whole idea of Indian Nationalism in today’s education system in such a way that it serves the humanity rather than producing the spare parts for the industries or corporate sector. Nationalism in Education not only for business or job purpose only but for a sensitive human being. Once we have good/ better human beings then business will be done only for human dignity.

It is our humble objective to evaluate the concept of “Indian Nationalism” through inter-disciplinary observations and find better needful understanding. We are sure such an interaction between different subjects and individuals can raise hopes for a better future where “Indian Nationalism” may exist in real sense.

You are kindly requested to choose topic of conviction and convenience

Suggested Topics

Vedic and non vedic elements of Indian Nationalism

Non vilionce and Indian Nationalism

Gita and Indian Nationalism

Role of social reformers and saints in Indian Nationalism

Bhakti movememts and their role in Indian nationalism

Contribution of art, culture in Indian nationalism

Role of Family institution in building Indian Nationalism

Role of women in defining Indian Nationalism

Philosophical foundations of Indian Natioalism

Emergance of the idea of Bharat Maataa and Indian Ntionalism

Neo-nationalism and Indian socialistic thoughts and practices

Role of Arya Samaj in Indian Nationalism

Defining Characteristics of Sikhs/ Muslims/ Jain/Baudha/ Hindus in Nationalism

Role of Languages in defining Nationalism

Role of Music in Indian nationalism

P.S.- 1. Submit your papers latest by 30th January, 2011.

2. You will be paid normal bus fare only.

3. Kindly be respect the time so that we may have more time to discuss and share our


Dr. Jyoti Chandra Dr. Neena Bedi

Convener Principal

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