सनातन धर्म कालेज (लाहौर), अम्बाला छावनी
(संस्कृत की पुनःसंरचना योजना के अधीन)
Academic Support –
Workshop Conductors- Dr. AMBA KULKARNI, Chairperson, Department of Sanskrit Studies,
Dr. GIRISH NATH JHA, Associate Professor, Special Centre for Sanskrit Studies,
Dr. VISHAL GOYAL, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science,
Date – 11, 12, 13 November, 2011.
TIMING – 9.00 A.M. TO 5.30 P.M.
“In ancient
Dear Sir/ Madam,
Under the “Restructuring Sanskrit Scheme” of Department of Sanskrit along with Department of Computer Science & electronics we cordially invite you to participate in three days national workshop on the above said topic and to learn and promote Sanskrit from the software angle so that Sanskrit may be marketed in Education Business as per the Haryana Government policy on Higher Education.
Since programming languages are meant for computers to understand, and the space for ambiguity is at best extremely limited, the grammars describing these languages are extremely clear and well defined in their structure. This is where computing and linguistics converge to a single point. For years both linguists and computer scientists have been working on methods to remove ambiguity from the formulation of rules for communication. A grammar is usually the method to achieve this. A grammar is described as a formal definition of the syntactic structure of a language, usually given in terms of production rules which specify the order of constituents, such as words or phrases and their sub-constituents in a sentence.
In the case of programming languages of late, there is a growing opinion in the computer science community that the grammar of the Sanskrit language was defined in an extremely unambiguous and formal manner, almost akin to the definition style of most modern programming languages. Grammar and philosophy of Sanskrit language continues to impress computer scientists and linguists alike with its perfection and long lasting relevance. An insight into the convergence of computing and linguistics reveals that Sanskrit may be more than the language of religious texts.
In the past years, much time, effort, and money has been expended on designing an unambiguous representation of natural languages to make them accessible to computer processing. These efforts have centered on creating schemata designed to parallel logical relations with relations expressed by the syntax and semantics of natural languages, which are clearly cumbersome and ambiguous in their function as vehicles for the transmission of logical data. Understandably, there is a widespread belief that natural languages are unsuitable for the transmission of many ideas that artificial languages can render with great precision and mathematical rigor. But this dichotomy, which has served as a premise underlying much work in the areas of linguistics and artificial intelligence, is a false one. There is at least one language, Sanskrit, which for the duration of almost 2500 years was a living spoken language with a considerable literature of its own. Besides works of literary value, there was a long philosophical and grammatical tradition that has continued to exist with undiminished vigor until the present century. Among the accomplishments of the grammarians can be reckoned a method for paraphrasing Sanskrit in a manner that is identical not only in essence but in form with current work in Artificial Intelligence. This workshop is an attempt to find out that can a natural language serve as an artificial language also, and that much work in artificial intelligence has been reinventing wheel millennia old.
The reasoning of Sanskrit authors is couched in a style of language that had been developed especially to formulate logical relations with scientific precision. It is a terse, very condensed form of Sanskrit, which paradoxically at times becomes so abstruse that a commentary is necessary to clarify it. One of the main differences between the Indian approach to language analysis and that of most of the current linguistic theories is that the analysis of the sentence was not based on a noun-phrase model with its attending binary parsing technique but instead on a conception that viewed the sentence as springing from the semantic message that the speaker wished to convey. In its origins, sentence description was phrased in terms of a generative model: From a number of primitive syntactic categories (verbal action, agents, object, etc.) the structure of the sentence was derived so that every word of a sentence could be referred back to the syntactic input categories. Secondarily and at a later period in history, the model was reversed to establish a method for analytical descriptions. In the analysis of the Indian grammarians, every sentence expresses an action that is conveyed both by the verb and by a set of “auxiliaries.” The verbal action (kriya- “action” or sadhya-“that which is to be accomplished,”) is represented by the verbal root of the verb form; the “auxiliary activities” by the nominals (nouns, adjectives, indeclinables) and their case endings (one of six). The meaning of the verb is said to be both vyaapaara (action, activity, cause), and phala (fruit, result, effect). Syntactically, its meaning is invariably linked with the meaning of the verb “to do”. Therefore, in order to discover the meaning of any verb it is sufficient to answer the question: “What does he do?” The answer would yield a phrase in which the meaning of the direct object corresponds to the verbal meaning.
It is interesting to speculate as to why the Indians found it worthwhile to pursue studies into unambiguous coding of natural language into semantic elements. It is tempting to think of them as computer scientists without the hardware, but a possible explanation is that a search for clear, unambiguous understanding is inherent in the human being.
The basic objectives of this workshop cum seminar are:-
1. To make use of the principles and techniques available in Nyaaya, Vaakarana, Sahitya Shastra for
developing new paradigms for the computer.
2. To develop packages for training for the faculties in the scientific work and Shaastric world for making best use of the infra-structural facility.
Though, a variety of Natural Language interface tools like an Editor, creation of multilingual documents with transliteration between the scripts of Indian languages and the Roman script, utilities for sorting, searching, indexing, concordance, various analyses like morphological, syntactic and semantic, lexical update, grammar help, hyperlinks to a variety of rule bases, etc. are developed for this purpose. Their effective application for producing better results is still a great challenge. Computational analysis of Sanskrit Shastras poses still greater challenge as it not only demands the knowledge of computer technology but also a thorough knowledge of the concerned text.
This workshop is an attempt to use the modern technology for analyzing the ancient works will be helpful to the scholastic community as a whole in learning, understanding and interpreting ancient Indian knowledge in a better way. Such discussion and interactions can also prove useful in teaching Ancient Indian Shaastric Texts effectively and with more efficiency. It can also be used as supporting systems for research. Thus, there is an immense potentiality in this field, which needs to be explored further for a better result. In this way we can develop search packages based ancient texts. It is quite obvious that, for preparing such packages, the knowledge of Computer and knowledge of Sanskrit should go hand in hand and complement each other for better results. What is required in future is the increased cooperation between a Computer professionals and Sanskrit Pundits.
Important Instructions-
1. Please do bring your own laptop, pen drives for your convenience.2. Teachers from Haryana will be paid one time normal bus fare by H.S.A. 3. Participants have to make their own stay arrangements (we can help in getting accommodation in hotels etc.) 4. Tea at 11.00 am, Lunch at 1.30 pm & Tea at 4.00pm will be served.5.Minimum level of Sanskrit (10th / BSCII) is must for the development of Sanskrit related future projects.6. Participants must stick to time- work schedule.7. Only 40 (10 extra seats for Punjab/
All enquires should be mailed at sanskrit2010@gmail.com or visit blog for detailed programme at sanatan Sanskrit blogspot.com.
आशुतोष आंगिरस प्रो० प्रवीन माथुर डा० राजेन्द्र सिंह राणा डा० देशबन्धु
कार्यशाला निदेशक अध्यक्ष सचिव प्राचार्य
संस्कृत विभाग कम्प्यूटर एवम् इलैट्रोनिक विभाग
098963-94569 09416862126 09466596782 09812053283
विशिष्ट सहयोग-
डा० विष्णु दत्त शर्मा, प्राचार्य, एस डी आदर्श संस्कृत महाविद्यालय, अम्बाला छावनी। 09896356235
डा० राजेन्द्रा, ऐसो० प्रो० एवम् अध्यक्षा, संस्कृत विभाग, जी एम एन कालेज, अम्बाला छावनी। 09466834579
श्री पंकज शर्मा, प्रेजीडेंट, आलसाफ़्ट साल्यूशन्स (प्रा०) लिमिटेड, यू० एस० ए०
आयोजन एवम् स्वागत समिति
डा० उमा शर्मा प्रो० अमनदीप कौर डा० श्यामनाथ झा डा० राजेश्वर डा० देवकीनन्दन पुरोहित डा० सरजीवन शर्मा
09466046186 08901286677 09896447434 09802014571 09416464912 09416555047
(संस्कृत की पुनःसंरचना योजना के अधीन)
Sponsored by –
Academic & Organizational Support – S. D. Adarsh Sanskrit college, Ambala Cantt
Allsoft Solutions (Pvt.) Ltd.,
Date – 11, 12, 13 November, 2011.
TIMING – 9.00 A.M. TO 5.30 P.M.
प्रथम दिवस- ११-११-२०११
पंजीकरण - ०९.०० से ०९.३० तक
आद्युन्मेष सत्र – ९.३० से ११.०० तक (सर्वजन हेतु खुला सत्र)
Welcome Address- Dr. Desh Bandhu, Principal, S D College (
Idea of National Workshop – Ashutosh angiras (5 mIn)
Ist Keynote Address- Prof. Amba Kulkarnai, Chairperson, Department of Sanskrit Studies, University of Hyderabad Hyderabad. (30 min)
IInd Keynote Address -Prof. Girish Nath Jha , Special Centre. for Sanskrit Studies, Jawahar lal
Presidential remarks - VC,
Vote of Thanx- Dr. Rameshwar dutt, director, haryana Sanskrit academy, Panchkula (5 min.)
चाय-पान- ११.०० से ११.१५ तक
प्रथमोन्मेष सत्र - ११.१५ से १.३० तक (सर्वजन हेतु खुला सत्र)
Prof. Vishal Goyal - Panjabi Univ.
Taking over the charge of workshop ( by detailing/ instructing the participants) - Prof. Amba Kulkarni and Prof. Girish Nath Jha
Vote of Thanx- Prof. Rajinder Singh Rana
भोजनावकाश –१.३० से २.०० तक
द्वितीयोन्मेष सत्र -२.०० से ५. ३० तक (केवल प्रतिभागियों के लिए)
द्वितीय दिवस- १२-११-२०११
प्रातः ९.०० से साँय ५.३० तक (केवल प्रतिभागियों के लिए)
तृतीय दिवस- १३-११-२०११
प्रातः ९.०० से ४.०० तक (केवल प्रतिभागियों के लिए)
निमेष सत्र ४.०० से ५.३० तक (सर्वजन हेतु खुला सत्र)
________________________________________________ प्रेषक
सनातन धर्म कालेज (लाहौर)
अम्बाला छावनी। १३३००१ हरियाणा
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