लोकपाल के दार्शनिक आधार – संवैधानिक लोकतन्त्र में सुशासन-तन्त्र का परिभाषिकीकरण
Organized by – Department of Sanskrit, S D College (
Academic Support –
Sponsored by –Indian Council of Social Science Research,
Date – 2nd December, 2011, Friday Time – 9.00 am to 5.30 pm
Dear Sir / Madam,
Under the Restructuring Sanskrit Scheme of department of Sanskrit, we cordially invite teachers, Scholars/ academicians from Arts/ Humanities / Commerce/ law to share their views on the above mentioned subject.
The piecing together or coordination of the different systems is possible, if there is at bottom a real unity. For all the systems pledge unconditional allegiance to the Indian constitution.
लोक्यतेऽसौ इति लोकः means whatever comes to our experience through our perceptions and imagination is लोक. An individual or natural principal whichever cares to protect our sustenance and अभ्युदय is termed as a लोकपाल in Indian tradition of public life. The concept of लोकपाल is very close to the concept of a teacher / गुरु/आचार्य. The observation of the behaviours of students / disciples is mandatory in the system of education. The second part of his duty is to point out the corrupt practices and misconducts of his followers without any fear and pressures. This is a fact that in Hindu social order Lord विष्णु appears as a लोकपाल in the form of a man. Whenever there is a social disorder, anarchy or confusion, he appears to recommend the protective measures. Therefore Vishnu in the form of incarnation is named as a लोकाध्यक्ष, लोकेश and लोकनाथ in महाभारत Epic. In the Buddhist tradition Buddha is also renowned or renamed as लोकनाथ in a text of बोधिचित्तविवरण. It is propounded that Buddha as लोकनाथ cares to understand the faculty of people’s understanding and their behaviour and issues direction helpful in the welfare of society. His directions are termed as देशनाs (देशना लोकनाथानां सत्त्वाशयवशानुगाः). This concept of लोकनाथ in Indian tradition transcends the concepts of kingship, dictatorship or any ministerial position in the socio-political order. Although he is not even holding an ordinary membership of any group or yet he is a very much concerned to the all round welfare of the public life. In the modern period of Indian history महात्मा गाँधी appears as a लोकनाथ/ लोकनायक. The fundamental spirit of the term लोकपाल descends on the present scenario belongs to the same tradition.
We all know that after the advent of the freedom of Indian people a constitution was prepared by a galaxy of nationalist as well as great minds of country and we were given direction to follow the constitution in letter and spirit but after a period of ६२ years of enjoying democratic system a baffling question has appeared before us – Have we followed same directions to promote the vital forces of our socio-political-economical unity?
The Sanskrit term लोकपाल has been used in two ways – as a religious–ritual term and as a good governance term for the kings who care for their subjects/ people (प्रजा) on the basis of dharma (धर्म, not be confused with religion / rituals). As a religio-ritual term it has been used for those deities who take care of earth and the human race. As for the governance aspect, it is used for kings who make their प्रजा happy by taking care of four things; namely- fear hunger, inquiry and aesthetic experience under the frame work of Dharma which is to be followed by नीति एवम् न्याय. So लोकपाल by its very definition means the king who protects and cares for his subjects. References to this term are available in abundance in Sanskrit literature. Even बौद्ध and जैन also use this term frequently. But we may get saffronized and our intellectualism may get beating by this kind of factual historical explanation so keeping this aside we may ask why as a nation we have not been able to develop a culture of लोकपाल (not as an anti corruption law alone) among our elected representatives? Has Indian constitution been able to generate sensitivity towards the under currents of लोकपाल ideology? Why we can not address parliament as लोकपाल संसद because they have been entrusted with the duties of लोकपाल? Do MPs need to be made aware about this लोकपाल philosophy? It is worth mentioning here that Indian mind does differentiate between people (लोक) and masses (जन) philosophically. It is in this sense that issue of good governance arises because if one follows the idea of लोकपाल in letter and spirit then he/she must frame policies of his/ her governance leading to gross national happiness Index (opposed to GDP). Why we have not been able to sensitize haves to share their wealth with have-nots? The third issue of constitutional democracy is more serious as this has lead to party lead democracy- how an individual can effectively register his idea/ issue/ thought etc. All of us can not do the Anna way or can we? More over if a right thing is right only and only if party decides or tells then what kind of democracy (लोकतन्त्र- traditionally means horizontally and vertically integrated system of people) we are striving for? Deliberative democracy seems to be illusory at present? Can we hope for a day when we as Indians will be able to move from constitutional democracy towards cultural democracy and for this we need not be ashamed of learning things/ facts from the past as we had a golden period in our history (if it is not a concocted version of history). Intellectualism without roots and vision is too dangerous for every thing that can be termed as good that may be in past, present and future All these three issues are inter related- Lokpal, Good Governance and constitutional Democracy. We have challenges but do we as teachers understand them in right and larger perspective? We may not be able to achieve or propose solution in one go but certainly we must try to understand the issue from a higher perspective. We need to make enquiries in to these issues to enhance our understanding to develop a vision for which we have been given the job of teaching.
Suggested Topics
लोकपाल- इतिहास और संस्कृति के सन्दर्भ
चाणक्य और सुशासन तन्त्र की परिकल्पना
संस्कृत साहित्य में लोकपाल चेतना
भारतीय धर्मशास्त्र और संविधान में लोकपाल की भावना
स्वामी दयानन्द और सुशासनतन्त्र (सत्यार्थ प्रकाश के सन्दर्भ में)
रामायण एवम् महभारत में सुशासन तन्त्र स्वरूप एवम् लोकपाल भावना
सिक्ख गुरुओं की लोकपाल भावना
लोकव्यवस्था और लोकाचरण
Gandhi as Lokpal
Elements of Good Governance in Indian Tradition
Foundations of Lokpal in Sanskrit literature
Defining Tantra of Lok – issues of Nyaaya and Niti
Issues of Democratic freedom to and freedom from
Dharma (not religion) as tool of good governance
Indian History of good governance and democratic value system
विशेष – १. अपनी प्रतिभागिता एवम् पत्र प्रस्तुति की पूर्वसूचना आवश्यक रूप से २५ नवम्बर, २०११ तक
२. प्रायोजित धन परिसीमित होने से यात्रा भत्ता की देने की व्यवस्था नहीं है।
३. आई सी एस एस आर, चण्डीगढ. को शोध पत्र जमा करवाने के लिए की लिखित/ टंकित/
साफ़्टकापी अनिवार्य है।
४. आयोजन की सफ़लता तथा अधिकतम ज्ञान चर्चा के लिए कृपया समय का सम्मान करें।
आशुतोष अंगिरस डा० देशबन्धु
संगोष्ठी निदेशक प्राचार्य
098963-94569 09812053283 ई-मेल- sriniket2008@gmail.com
विशिष्ट सहयोग
डा० सुधीर कुमार, निदेशक, हरियाणा संस्कृत अकादमी, पञ्चकूला ।
डा० विष्णु दत्त शर्मा, प्राचार्य, एस० डी० आदर्श संस्कृत महाविद्यालय, अम्बाला छावनी । 09896356235
आयोजन एवम् स्वागत समिति
डा० उमा शर्मा प्रो० मनीष कुमार डा० नरेश बत्रा डा०श्यामनाथ झा डा० राजेश्वर प्रसाद
09466046186 099967223333 09416464807 09896447434 09802014571 डा० सरजीवन शर्मा डा० देवकीनन्दन पुरोहित
09416555047 09416464912
(Under the Restructuring Sanskrit Scheme)
लोकपाल के दार्शनिक आधार – संवैधानिक लोकतन्त्र में सुशासन-तन्त्र का परिभाषिकीकरण
Organized by – Department of Sanskrit, S D College, Ambala Cantt
Academic Support –
Sponsored by –Indian Council of Social Science Research,
Date –2nd December, 2011, Friday Time – 9.00 am to 5.30 pm
पंजीकरण - ०९.०० से ०९.३० तक
आद्युन्मेष – ९.३० से ११.०० तक
चाय-पान- ११.०० से ११.१५ तक
प्रथम विमर्श - ११.१५ से १.३० तक
भोजनावकाश –१.३० से २.१५ तक
द्वितीय विमर्श -२.१५ से ४.०० तक
चाय-पान - ४.०० से ४.१५ तक
निमेष –४.१५ से ५.३० तक
सनातन धर्म कालेज (लाहौर)
अम्बाला छावनी। १३३००१ हरियाणा
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