एक दिवसीय राष्ट्रिय सड्.गोष्ठी
Defining Ambivalent Relationship of Sanskrit and English Language & Literature
सँस्कृत एवम् अँग्रेजी भाषा एवम् साहित्य के राग-द्वेष पूर्ण सम्बन्धों का परिभाषिकीकरण
दिनाड्.क – २५ अगस्त, २००९
समय – ९.०० प्रातः
स्थान : सभागार, एस० डी० कालेज, अम्बाला छावनी।
प्राचार्य / मान्यवर .....................................
सँस्कृत विभाग, सनातन धर्म कॉलेज (लाहौर) अम्बाला छावनी एवम् हरियाणा सँस्कृत अकादमी, पंचकूला के द्वारा संयुक्त रूप से आयोजित उपरोक्त विषय पर एक-दिवसीय राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी में भाग लेने के लिए तथा विचार विनिमय करने के लिए सादर आमन्त्रित हैं। सड्.गोष्ठी में कुल चार वक्तव्य प्रस्तुत किए जाएँगे जिन पर सदन में प्रश्नोत्तर / विवाद / स्वमत स्थापन/ परमत खण्डन किया जा सकेगा। चार शोध-पत्रों में से दो पत्र विश्वविद्यालय के अँग्रेजी प्राध्यापकों द्वारा और दो पत्र सँस्कृत प्राध्यापकों द्वारा वैचारिक स्थापना हेतु प्रस्तुत किए जाएँगे।
आवश्यक निवेदन
मार्ग व्यय अकादमी द्वारा मूल टिकट के प्रस्तुति पर ही देय होगा। सीमित संसाधनों के कारण आपकी प्रतिभागिता के विषय में पूर्वसूचना २० अगस्त, २००९ तक आवश्यक रूप से अपेक्षित है।
विचार विनिमय कि भाषा हिन्दी/ अँग्रेजी रहेगी।
कृपया समय का सम्मान करे।
आशुतोष आङ्गिरस डॉ. देशबन्धु
समन्वयक प्राचार्य
संयोजक परिषद्
डॉ. उमा शर्मा, डा० अलका शर्मा डा० सतवीर शर्मा,
09466046186 09416328766 09416828386
प्रो० जयदीप पीयूष अग्रवाल
09416123305 09896862403
Idea of the Seminar
Defining Ambivalent Relationship of Sanskrit and English Language & Literature
Relationship of Sanskrit and English has remained tense but interactive since English came to do business and moved on to rule India and Indian mind. At the same time, they started exploring Indian art, culture and languages etc. Subsequently many of them were fascinated by the non-regional language and literature of Sanskrit. Their sincere business adventurism was mesmerized by the dynamic thoughts & their processes of Sanskrit language & literature. They immediately started translating Sanskrit texts and introduced these works to the west. Moreover they also started expressing myths/ concepts/ ideas of Sanskrit in their language and literature. Whatever may have been their intentions but there is no denying the fact that they were fascinated, influenced by the culture of Sanskrit language & literature, right from Max Muller to Eliot and others who have borrowed, used thoughts, expressions of Sanskrit in their writings. Then slowly emerged a new class of Indian English writers starting from Tagore, Ghosh, Naidu to modern writers. In this class there were two sections of writers- one who targeted to condemn or humiliate Sanskrit language & literature, like- N.C. Chaudhary and others. This large section of writers/ thinkers has made a place in the market by denouncing the very basics of Indian way of life and living which have their roots in Sanskrit. These writers generally focus on two issues, namely- man woman relationship and oppressed class or caste. By condemning/ negating/ humiliating Sanskrit, they tried hard to make India a worth living place.
The second section of Indian writers writing in English belongs to Aurobindo, Raja Rao, Arun joshi, U. R. Anatha Murti etc., who not only tried to understand the sources of Sanskrit tradition but also expressed themselves in a more sensible and meaningful manner. It is not that they were biased or obsessed by the very ethos of Sanskrit. It was the basic inputs of healthy mind and life which forced them to make a right / positive query about the very basic meaning or purpose of life.
So this Love- hate relationship has influenced English Literature but acknowledging Sanskrit as fact has remained an illusion. Sanskrit mindset which has been time and again assaulted, insulted, looked down with contempt by the pseudo-secularists modernists have created blunders not only by mistranslating the basic terms or concepts, like- Dharma as religion, Brahaman as God, Brahmin/ Purohit as Priest, Adhyaatam as Spiritual etc., but also played havoc with the cultural ethos of India since English does not have the concepts of Moksha, Purushartha, Stri etc. That is why questions of self/ identity/ relevance are popping up in the present day literature of English, Hindi and other regional languages.
On the other hand English and other regional languages have forced Sanskritists to re-look, re-evaluate their position critically in the changing scenario of the society. Present day compulsions have made Sanskritists to think in English frame work. Therefore to bring Sanskrit and English on one platform to open up a meaningful dialogue on a positive / progressive note, this one day seminar is need of the hour. Scholars, teachers and academicians from English and Sanskrit streams are invited not only to interact but also to find out the answers to the outstanding questions of self denial or condemnation, a trend which has been pampered in the name of progress, modernism, consumerism and globalization. We as Linguists/ humanists must have an open mind for a better human future in Indian terms, if possible.
Suggested Topics for discussions-
Understanding Ethos of Sanskrit and English language
Use of Sanskrit concepts / Myths in Indian Writings in English
Treatment of Brahmnical view point in Indian writings in English
Traditional women in Sanskrit-English writings
Understanding of Social/ religious/ spiritual/ cultural concepts in Sanskrit-English writings
Man woman relationship in Sanskrit -English writings
Expression of Caste/ class system in Sanskrit- English writings
Meaning of Indian Tradition in English writings
Statements of Self in Sanskrit- English writings
Defining Ambivalent Relationship of Sanskrit and English Language & Literature
सँस्कृत एवम् अँग्रेजी भाषा एवम् साहित्य के राग-द्वेष पूर्ण सम्बन्धों का परिभाषिकीकरण
दिनाड्.क – २५ अगस्त, २००९
समय – ९.०० प्रातः
स्थान : सभागार, एस० डी० कालेज, अम्बाला छावनी।
प्राचार्य / मान्यवर .....................................
सँस्कृत विभाग, सनातन धर्म कॉलेज (लाहौर) अम्बाला छावनी एवम् हरियाणा सँस्कृत अकादमी, पंचकूला के द्वारा संयुक्त रूप से आयोजित उपरोक्त विषय पर एक-दिवसीय राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी में भाग लेने के लिए तथा विचार विनिमय करने के लिए सादर आमन्त्रित हैं। सड्.गोष्ठी में कुल चार वक्तव्य प्रस्तुत किए जाएँगे जिन पर सदन में प्रश्नोत्तर / विवाद / स्वमत स्थापन/ परमत खण्डन किया जा सकेगा। चार शोध-पत्रों में से दो पत्र विश्वविद्यालय के अँग्रेजी प्राध्यापकों द्वारा और दो पत्र सँस्कृत प्राध्यापकों द्वारा वैचारिक स्थापना हेतु प्रस्तुत किए जाएँगे।
आवश्यक निवेदन
मार्ग व्यय अकादमी द्वारा मूल टिकट के प्रस्तुति पर ही देय होगा। सीमित संसाधनों के कारण आपकी प्रतिभागिता के विषय में पूर्वसूचना २० अगस्त, २००९ तक आवश्यक रूप से अपेक्षित है।
विचार विनिमय कि भाषा हिन्दी/ अँग्रेजी रहेगी।
कृपया समय का सम्मान करे।
आशुतोष आङ्गिरस डॉ. देशबन्धु
समन्वयक प्राचार्य
संयोजक परिषद्
डॉ. उमा शर्मा, डा० अलका शर्मा डा० सतवीर शर्मा,
09466046186 09416328766 09416828386
प्रो० जयदीप पीयूष अग्रवाल
09416123305 09896862403
Idea of the Seminar
Defining Ambivalent Relationship of Sanskrit and English Language & Literature
Relationship of Sanskrit and English has remained tense but interactive since English came to do business and moved on to rule India and Indian mind. At the same time, they started exploring Indian art, culture and languages etc. Subsequently many of them were fascinated by the non-regional language and literature of Sanskrit. Their sincere business adventurism was mesmerized by the dynamic thoughts & their processes of Sanskrit language & literature. They immediately started translating Sanskrit texts and introduced these works to the west. Moreover they also started expressing myths/ concepts/ ideas of Sanskrit in their language and literature. Whatever may have been their intentions but there is no denying the fact that they were fascinated, influenced by the culture of Sanskrit language & literature, right from Max Muller to Eliot and others who have borrowed, used thoughts, expressions of Sanskrit in their writings. Then slowly emerged a new class of Indian English writers starting from Tagore, Ghosh, Naidu to modern writers. In this class there were two sections of writers- one who targeted to condemn or humiliate Sanskrit language & literature, like- N.C. Chaudhary and others. This large section of writers/ thinkers has made a place in the market by denouncing the very basics of Indian way of life and living which have their roots in Sanskrit. These writers generally focus on two issues, namely- man woman relationship and oppressed class or caste. By condemning/ negating/ humiliating Sanskrit, they tried hard to make India a worth living place.
The second section of Indian writers writing in English belongs to Aurobindo, Raja Rao, Arun joshi, U. R. Anatha Murti etc., who not only tried to understand the sources of Sanskrit tradition but also expressed themselves in a more sensible and meaningful manner. It is not that they were biased or obsessed by the very ethos of Sanskrit. It was the basic inputs of healthy mind and life which forced them to make a right / positive query about the very basic meaning or purpose of life.
So this Love- hate relationship has influenced English Literature but acknowledging Sanskrit as fact has remained an illusion. Sanskrit mindset which has been time and again assaulted, insulted, looked down with contempt by the pseudo-secularists modernists have created blunders not only by mistranslating the basic terms or concepts, like- Dharma as religion, Brahaman as God, Brahmin/ Purohit as Priest, Adhyaatam as Spiritual etc., but also played havoc with the cultural ethos of India since English does not have the concepts of Moksha, Purushartha, Stri etc. That is why questions of self/ identity/ relevance are popping up in the present day literature of English, Hindi and other regional languages.
On the other hand English and other regional languages have forced Sanskritists to re-look, re-evaluate their position critically in the changing scenario of the society. Present day compulsions have made Sanskritists to think in English frame work. Therefore to bring Sanskrit and English on one platform to open up a meaningful dialogue on a positive / progressive note, this one day seminar is need of the hour. Scholars, teachers and academicians from English and Sanskrit streams are invited not only to interact but also to find out the answers to the outstanding questions of self denial or condemnation, a trend which has been pampered in the name of progress, modernism, consumerism and globalization. We as Linguists/ humanists must have an open mind for a better human future in Indian terms, if possible.
Suggested Topics for discussions-
Understanding Ethos of Sanskrit and English language
Use of Sanskrit concepts / Myths in Indian Writings in English
Treatment of Brahmnical view point in Indian writings in English
Traditional women in Sanskrit-English writings
Understanding of Social/ religious/ spiritual/ cultural concepts in Sanskrit-English writings
Man woman relationship in Sanskrit -English writings
Expression of Caste/ class system in Sanskrit- English writings
Meaning of Indian Tradition in English writings
Statements of Self in Sanskrit- English writings
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